There really is something for everyone! A full programme of talks throughout the day, lots of healing therapists to pamper, psychics to guide and inspire and gifts galore!
Yoga remains the foundation on which Samskara has been lovingly created. Our Yoga teachers are meticulously selected to deliver the best possible experience with a common goal of raising Surrey’s collective consciousness. BUY TICKETS
Heart opening yin yoga and restorative yoga class with gong bath, pranayama, mantra chanting, guided meditation and cacao session. Join our workshop on Sunday 15th July 2018.
Discover a huge range of therapies and all things holistic and spiritual through our wellness focused marketplace stalls. With so much to explore, there is sure to be something for everyone. BUY TICKETS
A well established show in our agenda for 8 years now. The beautiful vineyard nestled in the Surrey hills is the perfect spot for our MBS & Wellbeing show in which hundreds of visitors come together to share healing, inspiration, guidance, wisdom and laughter with the 50 – 60 experienced and gifted therapists, spiritual counsellors and retailers. Find out more
Our most diverse and varied show with exhibitors ranging from organic food, to yoga and wellbeing with everything in between. There will be demonstrations of yoga and other health practices to watch or join in with. Find out more