Please pay the correct deposit for each venue booked, full payment of any advertising in the show programme and provide copies of insurance certificates. PLI insurance is required by all exhibitors.
The balance of outstanding monies to be paid no less than 6 weeks before the show date.
We reserve the right to re-sell your stand if payment is not received by the deadline.
Payment by Cheque
Cheques to be made payable to Holistic and Mystic. Please send to Susie Bridges at Belmont, Windmill Road, Sevenoaks Weald, Kent TN14 6PJ.
Payment by Bank Transfer
To pay via bank transfer – Sort code: 09-01-27, Account No: 89722464, Account Name: Holistic & Mystic
Please add a reference to your payment to include the following: name, venue, date.
For example: Yourname DK Oct.
Use the following codes for the venue: CW – Crawley, DK – Dorking, KP – Kempton